How to unearth the joys and challenges of your own unique journey

“We have today few specialists of the soul to advise us when we succumb to moods and emotional pain or when as a nation we find ourselves confronting a host of threatening evils.” ~ Thomas Moore

This great theologian and spiritual writer is referring to the role of a spiritual director—a specialist in the tending of the soul who walks with you on your own spiritual journey. Spiritual direction is a loving, powerful process that helps guide you through the mysteries and challenges from the deepest parts of yourself that are trying to get your attention.

We exist in a world that is at peak chaos as it continues to transform and it is this chaos that makes our own journeys so difficult to decipher. At some point, each of us needs the help of a sacred companion to navigate our spiritual path.

For four decades Andrew Harvey has been guided and transformed by spiritual masters—from his beloved Father Bede Griffiths to the Dalai Lama and Bishop Desmond Tutu as well as leading Jungians, absorbing their wisdom and insight and sharing it in his many books and his life of teachings.

Drawing from these deep teachings, Andrew is offering an opportunity to work one-on-one with him as a spiritual director. He has worked with all seekers, whether Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Taoist, Muslim, from the many Indigenous traditions—or no tradition at all.

Andrew places a deep emphasis on the sacred feminine to which he is devoted. The journey of spiritual companionship is best understood as a birthing journey sustained by the love and wisdom of the motherhood of God. It is as important for men as it is for women and in Andrew’s belief, the crucial missing piece in our modern spirituality.

"What a beautiful beautiful gift it is to be in personal conversation with Andrew. It has been profoundly transformative. I have been blessed by my time with him."

Diane Kroll

"Expect a communication that is filled with deepest compassionate love, profound truth, wisdom, and understanding, self-giving, holy power. Expect to be renewed in hope and in strength."

Charles and Agnes Budinger

"Beyond Andrew’s knowledge of all the spiritual traditions, for me the biggest blessing is his huge heart... he has been able to provide real, practical help to me during my spiritual growing."

Tim Lukehurst

What happens during spiritual direction?

First and foremost, spiritual direction is a loving, confidential conversation between you and Andrew that helps you discern the difference between the voice of your ego and “the still small voice” of your soul. It helps you learn to listen deeply, to feel the power of prayer at a different level, to better understand—through sacred guidance—the many shades and patterns of your own unique journey.

Because it is designed to help you understand the puzzle pieces that are uniquely yours, it also helps you discern and release your own divine joy at being alive.

As the layers of your journey unfold and clarify, Andrew will suggest practices—suited for you alone—that you can use for the rest of your life.

Spiritual Direction Packages




  βœ“ One 50-minute phone session with Andrew

  βœ“ A personalized spiritual practice geared to your own journey






βœ“ A free introductory session

βœ“ Six 50-minute phone sessions with Andrew

βœ“ A personalized spiritual practice geared to your own journey

βœ“ A list of supportive readings and other media

βœ“ Access to Andrew's Online Meditation Program





  βœ“ Three 50-minute phone sessions with Andrew

βœ“ A personalized spiritual practice geared to your own journey

βœ“ A list of supportive readings and other media

βœ“ Access to Andrew's Online Meditation Program


Preparing for your first session

  • Spend some quiet time remembering your own “spiritual autobiography”. Can you see a pattern for how the Divine has been present in your life?
  • Pray or meditate 10 minutes before you place your call. Ask the Divine to open your heart and mind as much as possible to let in the guidance you will receive from Andrew.

An awareness of the need for spiritual direction is a sign of growth, of the transition of curiosity into the understanding of your destiny as a spiritual being in this time and place. 


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